I've decided to write about yellow anacondas because I want one!! Unfortunately I'm not aloud one, partly because I don't have the money and partly because I'm 18 and thus still live at home and am burdened with the rules of my mother. So I'll just have to write about them instead.
Now when people normally talk about anacondas you think of a green anaconda, which are the second largest species of snake (after the reticulated python) and can grow as large as 30 feet. They are also one of the only snakes that can actually eat you! yes snakes have to be 30 feet long before they can even eat a small person (so nothing to worry about when you meet burmese pythons and things they won't bother attacking you as they know they can't eat you). They need to this big because otherwise they would choke on your shudders, remember that they swallow their prey whole so can't bite bits off.
But enough about green anacondas I'm personally more interested in yellow anacondas or a Paraguaya anaconda. Although they don't get to 30 feet they are still fairly big and can reach as much as 15 feet (but that's rare) and they average at about 10 feet. Like green ones they are also found in South America and are semi aquatic, meaning they don't live in water but they like to swim, which is a jolly good reason no to go swimming in rivers in South America!! They can be found in swamp, marshes and on river banks.
In captivity anacondas are known for being fairly bad tempered, unpredictable, and can bite very easily, so are only kept by experienced and trained keepers (like me!! :)).
Incidentally they are a red listed species (meaning they are endangered) and are classified as 'vulnerable'. As a result of this they are protected by CITES (which is a Certificate for the International Trade of Endangered Species of wild flora and forna and is used to keep track of endangered species in captivity), so if you own a wild captured one (which I don't support) then you need documentation for them, without it the animal will be confiscated. However captive breed animals don't need them and can be bought for around £175 but they're hard to come by.
Now you may be asking why the hell I want one. Well that's simple, I like the slightly unusual pets. The less well known species of animal. And the more dangerous the better!!
And yes I know I'm mental!